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Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Do you think you can boost your brain or increase its power? Well, it can. Good and healthy diet will help you to achieve this aim.

As we know teenage persons brain is too much active and there are many biochemical processes which are responsible for reading, learning, understanding, solving problems etc. All these functions of brains require healthy working of brain cells network.

Your brain can be nourished with healthy food and you can also enhance your brain to engage yourself in life and to achieve your career aim.

There are some of the powerful foods that are well packed with nutrients which have properties to boost your memory and enhance your brain function. Some foods may show their effect for a short period while if your diet for long period, it would help in boosting concentration and performance.

So here are some of the super foods that may helpful to boost your brain power.


  • Contain all the natural occurring nutrients and essential parts which are important to generate energy for brain. It supplies glucose to the brain to improve focus and concentration.
  • Sources : Fiber rich oatmeal, bran, wheat bran, granary bread, brown rice and pasta.
  • These foods are responsible to release the glucose into the blood keeping our brain mentally focused.

  • To avoid memory loss Vitamin E is very important particularly in elderly people.
  • Seeds or nuts are great source of Vitamin E.
  • Seeds, nuts and avocado are rich in Vitamin E.

  • Fish contains fatty acids which are good for a healthy brain and helps in transmitting signals between cells.
  • These are obtained though a proper diet.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids is generally occur in oily fish which are trout, salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel etc. While linseed oil, soya bean oil, walnut also rich in fatty acids.


  • Helps to avoid short team memory loss.
  • Rich in antioxidants that protect our brain cells.
  • Build a proper connection in brain cells network.

  • It improves focus, reaction time and other brain functions.
  • Work for a short term.
  • It can boost concentration, focus and also supplies antioxidants to the brain.


  • Spinach is rich in potassium and magnesium content.
  • Its ions are responsible for the proper electrical conductivity of brain. Also helps in boosting memory and learning abilities.
  • Contain Vitamin B6 and E and folate. Lack of folate cause memory loss.

  • Our brain is made of 85% of water. Lack of water may cause shrinkage of brain cells.
  • Studies tells that dehydration of brain cells can adversely affects the memory and concentration of brain.
  • Everyday try to sip nearly 6 to 8 glasses of water.

  • Rich in vitamin B6, B12, calcium, potassium and magnesium are necessary to improve memory functions.
  • Caesin (milk protien) is said to enhance brain performance in people suffering from stress.

  • Contain 70% cocoa having flavonoids which are antioxidants that keep our brain healthy.
  • Helps in brain boosting.
  • Apples, red and purple grapes, onions, tea, beer and red wine are rich in flavonoids.

  • These contain antioxidants like Vitamin C and compounds like carotenoids which are powerful brain protectors.
  • Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage and brussels sprouts are good for brain functioning.

Ajay Singh Author: Ajay Singh

Hello, I am Ajay Singh Solanki a passionate blogger love to share career news and education news among people.

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