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Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Hello visitors, here we will discuss about the one of the most common question that being asked during the interview "Why should we hire you?". It seems that the question is simple and easy but it may leads take you in challenging phase while answering.

Being a student everyone has to face this question someday, so why don't we prepare for the best answer?.
As soon as we listen the question our mind starts searching for the best reason or answer. It will also make us thinking whether the answer given is unto the mark or not.

So here we have few best answers or tips that may help you while interview.

1. Be focused on "company's needs"

Before going for an interview it is must that you do a specific research about the company. Try to identify the needs of the company and promise them that their expectation is on the right direction.

For example: If it is a marketing company or service industry, which is looking forward to meet the specified targets then you can answer that you have expertise in the marketing and a good communication skills which would help you to achieve the company's goal.

In this section try to highlight your skills which would be beneficial for the company.

2. Discuss your success

During interview you can give a brief note on your career success. Give a detail about your unique and helpful ways which would help the company to achieve its goal. Try to express what makes you different from others. So here discuss your past and present success that may also help the company to reach the goal.

3. Discuss your strengths

One's success always speaks about the work of the candidate. Discuss your secret strengths with the interviewer and insure them about your skill with confidence that may be positive for the company.

4. List out your work and academic qualification

Listing out your work related qualification according to the company's needs and expectation. Tell them about your practical skills and academics qualification, that match the company's requirements.

Make sure to talk about yourself and be focused, motivated and confident in your answers.

Ajay Singh Author: Ajay Singh

Hello, I am Ajay Singh Solanki a passionate blogger love to share career news and education news among people.

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